onlyveru OnlyFans Leaks
18+ only, showing naked body! Hi, I'm Veru, will you join me? I make several posts daily. You will find completely naked photos and a lot of videos in the messages. Write to me and I will make videos directly for you. I look forward to hearing from you, we'll get things going. Write about: 👩💻sexchat 📸custom photos, videos, voice messages 💦JOI 🎥video chats and much more. Just write to me and we will definitely agree together. I reply directly to messages personally. When I'm not answering, I'm usually taking pictures or shooting something for you.😊 💰Tip to get my attention sooner. I'm a little shy, so the ball is in your court, are you going to shoot your shot? ------------------------------- Ahoj, jsem Veru, připojíš se ke mně? Denně postuju, ve zprávách najdeš nahé fotky a videa. Napiš si o ta svá na přání, jen pro tebe. Těším se na tvou zprávu a pořádně to rozjedeme. Na zprávy odepisuji já. Když neodepisuji, obvykle ti něco tvořím.😊 💰Pošli mi tip a ozvu se ti dříve.